To main page | Opera Unite HowTo'sSecurityOpera is known for security of it's software, so they explain quite a bit about security of the apps here →, it seems that code is running in a "sandbox", rather than in the wild. Still, I'd like to point out, that out of all browsers in the market Opera was always the one most secure browser. This is confirmed by my experience using it for years. VMWareBut if you are seriously worried about safety - you can run Opera inside VMware (although this probably wouldn't be as trivial as it sounds).The plan (probably any small Linux distribution, like DamnSmallLinux → or PuppyLinux →, run it in VMWare player and compile Opera from here →. Opera provides .deb for Debian-based systems, but I'm unaware of any small linux distribution that is Debian based. File SandboxThe filesystem used by Opera Unite is located deep in the /Documents and Settings/ folder, so there is no real way to load file with absolute path (i.e. get out of sandbox and do something nasty). For futher explanation - see fileio docs →.In short - you can only access the storage folder (where your app can create files) or application folder where your app resides (in read-only mode) or folder explicitly specified to be shared by user. XSS attacksI'm not sure, but cross-site scripting attacks are (maybe) possible. Although Opera probably done some stuff to prevent this, still it would be wise to escape all "<" symbols in all incoming data to ">". | Last updated