To main page | Opera Unite HowTo'sError ConsoleSee Uniteness for better way to handle errors.Error Console is a way to debug your Opera Unite apps. Before you use Error Console, you need to enable Stack Trace: Enable Stack TraceOpen the URL opera:config#UserPrefs|Exceptions Have Stacktrace, put a checkbox in "Exceptions Have Stacktrace", don't forget to push "Save" button below. This will make errors in Error Console readable.Synax errors can be found only after you pushed "Stop service" -> "Start service" and then checked Error Console (without reloading the page). Error ConsoleYou can try to find out what the problem is in "Error Console", it is located atTools -> Advanced -> Error Console.This is the recommended method for now. DragonFlyYou can try to use DragonFly's Error Console (and other tools too), but it's a bit quirky for me (sometimes don't show errors until I select the same context).DragonFly is located in: Tools -> Advanced -> Developer ToolsYou can switch to "Error Console". Important: Choose JavaScript errors context in DragonFly. Usually it's the lowest of all, definitely one that says "widget://". ![]() opera.postError(...) posts error to Error Console too. | Last updated